Training logs are great, especially modern training logs that let you graph workouts and see trends and get the big picture. The single largest benefit for keeping a training log, though, isn't dependent upon fancy graphs or a searchable database of workouts. The biggest advantage is just having access to historical data.
You can take advantage of this feature even if you just use pen and a calendar or notebook for tracking your workouts.
I wound up hurting my neck a couple of Winters ago after a good sized snowstorm that left behind about 15 inches of wet, heavy snow. I spent about 3½ hours shoveling and a few hours later I got out for a quick hour on foot after the plows had pushed the snowbanks back. All in all, it seemed as though it was going to be a great day.
That evening though, as I lay in bed, I turned my head to look towards the door and managed to pull a muscle in my neck.
It wasn't as bad as my birthday back in 2006, when I sat up and heard a loud crack only to find myself on my back staring at the ceiling and having a few moments to think, "This can't be good..." before the pain set in. That took me out for months; this time it was only a few days.
This was the third time that this had happened to me, the second time being in the Summer of 2008. I remember that first time pretty vividly, as I was pretty naive and thought that I'd broken my neck. (Erin had heard the crack my neck made from the next room.) I couldn't quite remember when the second time was, but my training log came the rescue.
Because I record all of my workouts and the conditions I run in, and I track any sort of injury or excess fatigue, I can usually go back over my log and see exactly what it was that led to my getting hurt. This lets me see the similarities and avoid repeating any stupid things that I might be doing so that I don't get hurt again.
For example, when I have to spend any significant time shoveling (or any shoulder-intensive exercise) on a day when it is cold or wet out, I've decided that a few hours of shoveling could substitute as my workout for the day as that tends to be when I have problems that night or the next morning.
Another nice thing about being able to look at the training log is to see exactly how long I was out and to make a reasonable guess about how long I need to take it easy for any new injuries I'm researching.
Looking at graphs of your training volume and being able to search for specific workouts are great.
The single largest benefit of keeping a training log, though, is to track how your training affects you and to look at your historical data so that you can learn from your mistakes. You can also learn from your successes; repeat what works and stop doing the things that hurt you.
The log won't lie, and it's memory will be much better than yours.
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